Fan Fiction 1
The Christmas Gift

She felt him before she saw him. She heard his breathing. Like a trapped animal, her senses heightened, she gradually became aware of where she was. She felt the furnace-like heat emanating from a body…his body.
She kept her eyes closed, but her mind was racing. She was in her own bed, of that she was sure. Concentrating against a pulsing headache she focused and realized that the 800 count Egyptian cotton felt smooth as silk against her legs. She did not move. Instead, she took in the sounds, the smells and most of all…the heat that warmed one side of her body. There was someone in the bed beside her!
Aware of a “morning after” furry, alcohol taste clinging to her tongue and the dulling throb of a hangover just playing at the edges of her brain she sensed that she was safe. The brief terror of a moment ago faded as she cautiously squinted open her right eye. The small crystal chandelier hanging above the small alcove near the bedroom door swam into view. Yes, it really was her own bed! A small whisper of a relief flowed through her as she realized how pitifully thankful she was that. whoever it was beside her would at least see her in a somewhat flattering light. Ah, the pity of growing older.
Closing her eyes tightly, letting the surge of the throbbing in her head fade a bit, trying to breath slowly to lessen the pain, she calmed enough to take a deep breath. Normally deeply attuned to her surroundings, she savored the smells she was familiar with. The fading roses (a gift to herself as an early Christmas present), a scent of her perfume and a hint of another more musky smell that tickled her brain as she tried to put a name to it were suddenly pale in comparison to the more overpowering one that met with her heightened aromatic senses… The MAN-SMELL! She sure knew that smell, even though it had been a very long time since she’d smelled it in her very own bed.
Ok, relax, she told herself. It’s a man.
She sighed. It’s ok, just a man. She smiled. Hmmm, how did that happen?
Too late now, she told herself and taking another deep breath, sucking in the heavy air of the room, she smelled the weight of sex in the air. I guess I know what that means, she quietly chuckled.
Bravely opening both eyes now, afraid he might be looking at her, she found herself looking at the back of a man. A dabbling artist, she could appreciate the form of a naked man. Oh yes, he was naked, the rumbled white cotton sheet barely covering one firm buttock.
Oh my. At least I picked a good one! I must be dreaming, she cautioned herself. She was lying on her left side amidst rumbled bed sheets, and gradually she became aware that while she faced the broad shoulders of a man, her own backside was feeling a bit chilly. And her breasts. Her arms were pimpled with Goosebumps as she acknowledged that she too was barely covered with a sheet across her hips. Sliding her hand down, she fumbled for the covers that normally enveloped her.
Nothing. Using her toes, she slowly moved her foot back and forth trying to find some resistance that would guide her to some cloth. Nope, no bedspread.. No heating blanket, no extra quilt. Damn! She silently fumed.
Having nothing left to lose, knowing that whatever had happened in the dark of the previous night, she told herself she might as well make the best of this dream. With a small grin, she snuggled in closer to the soundly sleeping broad back and nude rear end, spooning up against him and instantly feeling warmer for some reason, much braver!
Hey, it’s my dream, so might as well enjoy it, she told herself firmly. I don’t think I want to wake up from this one, she sighed.
Maneuvering her right arm up, she held it over the shoulder of the man, her palm hovering as she debated whether to touch or not. Closing her eyes, she breathed in and tried to deeply savor and ingrain these last few seconds of quietness. Afraid that once she laid her hand on that firm shoulder reality would come crashing back and the dream would be over.
His shoulders rose as he took a deep breath, groaned a bit, and suddenly his backside was scooting its way back, the sheet sliding off as he firmly planted his bare buttocks into her hips area. Afraid he was waking up, she continued to hold her hand above his shoulder, dimly aware that if he woke completely and rolled over it would look like she was ready to give him last rites. She waited in agonized anticipation, but he had completely and firmly spooned up against her, he settled back into a rhythm of deep breathing.
Not daring to think about it, she slowly lowered her hand and placed it on his shoulder. His warmth seeped into her palm and her fingertips tingled. He did not move, or even flinch.
Much have worn him out, she thought proudly and smiled to herself.
Pressing a bit harder, she gently kneaded his shoulder. It was such a magnificent feeling. Slowly she stroked his rounded shoulder, and then gradually she slid her hand down his arm. The muscles firm and the skin supple beneath her tender fingertips. The thick and dark hairs on his arms tickled her palm and the hard relief of his muscled forearm felt like heaven to her.
I do love a man with strong arms. I’m getting good at this dreaming stuff, she sighed, as ever so slowly she inched her palm back up his arm and rested it once again on his shoulder.
She lost herself on the pleasures of hard muscles once again as her fingers massaged the hardness of his back, His breadth nearly blocked all of her light, but in the dimness of her bedroom, and in the boldness of her mind, she savored each inch of his back that she could reach. Drinking in the sight of his skin, a deep burnished golden olive tone and the thick darkness of his hair curling softly at his nape led her to believe he might be of a European background.
Her brain still throbbing she knew she had drunk way too much the previous night, but the events were vague. I must have passed out completely, she thought. It was cold, it was dark, and I had a few drinks..The fire was burning, it was Christmas Eve and I was alone. All alone. Men like this don’t appear out of nowhere, so, this must be a dream she assured herself.
Her fingers tiring a bit, she began to circle her palm with increasing pressure, massaging his shoulder blade. Her eyes slid to the right a bit anticipating where her hand would go next and as if it had a mind of its own, she slowly slid her hand towards his hips following the curve of his gorgeous back to the slope of his narrow waist. Without thinking, her hand began a once again upwards movement as she used the fingers of her had to slowly massage in circles like applying wax to a car. The rise of his hips loomed ever nearer, the roundness of his buttocks a magnet to her hand.
Tempting, she thought with an impish tilt to her lips. Should I? Shouldn’t I?
“Well, don’t stop there,” a deeply accented voice rumbled, shaking her out of her dreamy reverie.
Inside her pulsating head she screamed…This is not a dream, not a dream. Ooh my, it’s not a dream and I know that voice!
It’s dark, it’s cold and yet she was comfortable, if not a tiny bit chilly. Swaddled in a cozy afghan, a cup of hot toddy (her 2nd) at hand and watching the dancing flames in the fireplace made it almost seem perfect. The power had been out in her tiny cottage for hours. It was bone-chilling outside, snowdrifts almost up to the windowsill and she felt safe. Her thoughts drifted to the warnings that had been all over the news earlier in the day….snow up to 10 inches, high winds and she pitied anyone who was out in this storm.
Her sofa bed was opened to its max, a down comforter eased the pain of the hard springs, and a ton of pillows dragged in from her bedroom cocooned her. Too dark to read, so might as well have her little pity party right here. It was Christmas Eve and she was alone. No family to speak of, she had no real presents to buy, no pretty wrapping to dress them up, and she hadn’t even bothered to put up a tree.
What for? she argued. Depressed and sad, she figured she might as well get drunk….Merry effing Christmas to the world.
The wind howled and whistled through the trees around her cottage, and when she heard a loud thump, she figured it was just a drift of snow that had likely fallen from a tree branch or the roof. Then she heard another thump….a scrape against the shingle siding of her little haven. Suddenly alert, she focused on hearing any more sounds. She knew she was alone in the tiny cottage, but perhaps there was a bear snuffling outside waiting to break down the door and eat her up?
Geesh, my imagination is going wild. Too much toddy in the hot, she laughed, trying to dispel her fear.
The front door thumped and she jumped, spilling a bit of her drink. Setting it aside, and frantically swaddling herself in her comforter, her bare feet slapped against the freezing cold pine floor and she sidled like a geisha to the window nearest the door. Trying to peer out from behind the curtains, she lurched back as a man’s face suddenly appeared.
She uttered a quick scream, and then realized that if anyone was out and about in this storm, it must be her neighbor up the road coming to check on her. Lars rented her the cute cottage for a nominal fee so she had a place to write in peace. In return, when he traveled with his wife to the far reaches of the world, her brightly lit windows were usually a sign that someone was nearby.
Grabbing the handle of the door, she unbolted the locks and yanked it open. “Quick, get in here before you freeze!” she urged.
The large frame of a man pulled himself into the house, using the last of his waning strength. Covered with snow, he looked like a walking snowman. He started to unwrap his muffler as she tiptoes around the melting snow to the kitchenette and grabbed a couple towels. Turning around to hand them to him, she drew back her hand in shock as if burned.
You’re not Lars!” she announced in outrage. Too upset to realize a stranger stood in her home, she reached out and handed him the towels anyway. He looked too tired to hurt her.
“Not today, I’m not,” he gruffly replied as he tried to get his coat off with frozen fingers. Stomping his feet at the same time to warm them, he managed to toss small balls of snow halfway across the room. His hazel/brown eyes glanced up at her and she realized that she must look a fright. Dressed for warmth, a tad bit intoxicated, bare feet (no pedicure in recent memory) and her hair piled in a tangle on her head she realized that she was probably scarier to him than he was to her.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. I’m just frozen. I’m ..uh...Lars’ cousin, Duncan.”
As he said this, she had a fleeting memory of seeing him before at a BBQ earlier in the year that Lars and Marion had thrown for the community. Odd, she mused, even before I realized who he was, I didn’t feel in any danger. And he’s a big man, she thought, as she noticed his damp shirt clinging to a well muscled chest.
“I remember you now. What on Earth are you doing on Christmas Eve out in the middle of a blizzard?”
“I came for the BBQ!” he laughed. She laughed along with him.
“Well, get that shirt off and those wet shoes. The fire ought to warm you up in a hurry,” she urged. “I’ll get more towels and a blanket.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Trying to avoid the wet patches, she pitty-patted to the bathroom, flipped on the light switch, only to remember the power was out. What’s wrong with me? she mused. Grabbing some snowy white towels and hurriedly reaching into the large hand carved wooden hope chest in the hallway, dug out another crocheted afghan. I need to get a life, too many Afghans for one single woman! Recalling more of the BBQ event, she realized that Duncan had been surrounded by gorgeous women, all clamoring for his attention. As always, being so private, she stayed in the background. Helping out Marion in the kitchen, handing out beer and wine coolers to anyone who wandered in. She was just not good at large social events. Too bad ladies, he’s all mine now, she laughed in her head. I need more toddy.
She plopped her foot right into a small puddle of icy water and gave a small scream. “Ooooh!”
Duncan quickly turned towards the sound of her voice from his place in front of the fire. “Are you ok?”
“I..I….uh, I stepped in some water. I’ll…uh... be ok.” She tried to laugh, but speaking seemed foreign to her. As he stood backlit by the fire, his broad expanse of chest was bare, and he looked like a Greek god statue. His muscled arms….. She swallowed hard. Oh, his arms. Dragging her eyes away, she looked up to find him staring at her. A small smile on those full lips, made her blush, and she was glad that the cottage was darkened and only lit by the roaring fire. As if sensing her distress, he turned back to the fire, and she held back a small gasp as his wide expanse of toned back was presented to her. Grabbing a nearby log, he squatted down and tossed it into the fireplace, using the poker to prod it into place.
What is wrong with me? I’m a grown woman, older than he is for sure and he probably gets this attention all the time. Harrumph. He’s not getting any more from me, she swore. A little bare chest and I’m dizzy with desire. More toddy please! She gingerly stepped towards the kitchenette and put the teakettle back onto the burner. At least the gas was still on, thought it might be days before the electricity was returned.
”Would you care for some coffee, hot chocolate…something to warm you up?" she asked him. Pouring a liberal amount of Glenlivet scotch into her own mug, she took a quick swig, and added more. Quickly adding a slice of lemon, some honey drizzled in for sweetness and an added pinch of nutmeg she completed her recipe and waited on the tea kettle to sing.
“I’ll have what you’re having. Looks like fun.” he replied. The fire now stoked, he stood and rubbed his hands together, then grabbing the arm of her overstuffed chair, pulled it close to the fire. He settled into the deep chair and extended his feet towards the heat. Pulling the afghan around his shoulders, he roughly swiped one of the fluffy towels through his hair making it stand on end. Smothering a giggle, she turned back and grabbed another mug to make another hot toddy for her guest. Or rather, the man who just made himself at home in her home.
As he stared into the flames, she watched his profile. She knew.. that he knew she was watching. A man like him always did. She also sensed wariness about him. As if he always knew what his opponent would do. Opponent? Now where did that come from, she wondered.
He was so gorgeous he took her breath away. His strong jaw, his eyes, though a hazel/brown (hard to tell in just firelight) were kind but it did not look like he laughed at much. Perhaps he once had, but he seemed sad to her. His broad shoulders, encased in her afghan..were the shoulders of a man who worked out physically. HIs legs seemed long, but she didn’t think he was much over 6 feet as she let her eyes linger on his bare feet now toasting nicely in front of the fire. He leaned his head on one hand, and seemed lost in thought.
The shriek of the tea kettle jerked them both back to consciousness, and she quickly grabbed the pot holder and pulled it from the flame. Dropping an Earl Grey tea bag into each mug, she poured in the hot steaming water. Her back was to him yet she felt his eyes linger on her, and wondered how sexy she looked swaddled in her comforter. Ha…sexy was not a word she associated with herself much these days. Being alone so much did that to a person, she supposed. I mean why bother when running out for the newspaper or a quick stop at the little neighborhood grocery. Lars and Marion often dropped by a little casserole or invited her for dinner when they were home from their jaunts. Hmmmm….where were they and did they know she harbored their cousin No problem, she’d keep him as long as she could!
“Your tea is ready,” she called, but don’t get up, I’ll bring it to you.”
“Thanks.” he murmured, as she waddled over and handed him the cup.
“Careful, it’s hot.” Duh. He’s a grown man, he surely knows that! “I am not sure you remember my name, I’m Noelle.” Why should he remember her from among the bevy of female that probably follow him around in packs.
“I do remember you.”
He smiled and blew on the steaming brew as she settled back into her couch. It dawned on her that she was actually in a bed of sorts, with a man she did not know seated just a few feet away, but once again, that inner feeling of being “safe” pervaded her, and she relaxed. Heck, I’m probably old enough to be his mother she told herself. The enticing aroma of the whisky wafted up to her nostrils, and she sighed, blew on her own mug of hot toddy and took a tiny sip.
“So, Lars was expecting you?”
“Hmm? Oh, sorry, I was miles away.” He smiled and his gorgeous lips curved into the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. It was like a light went on in the darkened room. “My flight was cancelled and I called Lars to see if he could put me up for the night. I had no idea the storm would be this bad. My car went off the road down by the big oak tree and I managed to trudge this far. Your little window of light seemed like the only beacon in the night.”
“You’d have never made it to Lar’s house it’s another half mile up the road, and uphill at that.”
“I know, and I’m sorry if I scared you. I just didn’t know what else to do…or where to go. Does your cell phone work? Mine was completely dead.”
“I think the cell towers might be down, mine doesn’t work either. I’m afraid you’re stuck here,” she said quietly. Her heart beating a bit harder as she realized he would have to spend the night. Oh, to be young and beautiful, she signed to herself. That's ok. If he falls asleep, I'll just lie awake all night and watch him. She smiled.
“I can’t think of a lovelier place to be,” he said. “I feel like I know you. Probably more than you know me, thanks to Lars. He and Marion talk about you all the time. A famous author!”
“Oh no, not famous. I published a little book which sold fairly well and am working on another one. I’m no Stephen King.”
“I hope not! Have to be a bit crazy to write about ghosts and things that go bump in the night.” he laughed. “And you are much better looking.”
She almost dropped her toddy! What? Good looking? Is the man blind? Sure that she blushed, she lifted the mug and took a big gulp of toddy. Give me alcohol! Lifting her eyes, she looked right into his, and the sudden thrill that went through her viscerally was enough to make her choke. Quicker than a panther, he leaped to her rescue.
The afghan entwined in his legs with a life of its own and instead of gallantly coming over to pat her on the back and help her regain her senses, he fell in a clumsy heap upon her legs and the end of the sofa bed. Her choking turned to hiccups of laughter that she failed to hold back. Rolling onto his back and off her legs, he lay across the bottom of the bed and joined her in hysterical laughter.
“Hey, this is kind of comfortable, may I join you?” he began laughing once again and seeing the look on his face, she too was engulfed in laughter…so hard the tears rolled down her cheeks.
“I am sorry. I’m sorry. Really, I’m sorry,” she panted between giggles. “I hope you’re ok?”
“Other than the injuries to my ego?” he harrumphed. Which caused her to break down once again? Slapping the side of the couch, she laughed until she was breathless and glancing over at him, she too saw the tracks of tears rolling down the sides of his face. I have a man in my bed, I have a man in my bed! And that was the last straw as her giggles once again bubbled over. Rolling up to his side, resting his head on his hand, his elbow bent to accommodate his head, he watched her laugh with a smile upon his own face.
Once the giggles and laughs had subsided, she teased, “You have no idea how much I appreciate your concern.”
With a bit of maneuvering, suddenly he had managed to sit upright and was beside her. Reaching down and grabbing a corner of the goose down comforter, he pulled it over his feet. His molded chest was liberally sprinkled with downy hair as a darker trail of hair disappeared under the waistband of his jeans. She could not seem to focus, and dragging her eyes away, she reached for her mug of hot toddy on the small table next to the sofa bed.
Taking a smaller gulp, she glanced up just as she watched his large hand reach up towards her face. He gently wiped off the last remaining tear.
“My dear Noelle, you have no idea how much I needed that.”
He didn’t remove his hand. Instead, he gently cupped her cheek. The mug of toddy, now lukewarm, went unnoticed as she stared into Duncan’s eyes. The fire lit the side of his face with its chiseled strength. The sweeping brow, the heavy dark eyebrows, the crinkles at the corners of his eyes all came into focus, as still, he did not remove his hand from her cheek. His long fingers grazing her jaw line as his thumb gently stroked up and down. Mesmerized, she was totally senseless.
“May I”” he asked softly, his eyes caressing her lips. As if perceiving her acquiescence by her silence, he bent his head close and his breath teased her cheek. Her tongue flicked out nervously, wetting her bottom lip, and she felt him suck in a small breath. His gently hand slid behind her head and into her tangle of hair, pulling her closer until their lips were bit an inch apart. With a tiny whimper she closed her eyes, limply leaning into him, her lips meeting his. Gently, softly he tasted her, her mouth opened at his silent bidding. His tongue slipped past her lips and she met his thrusts with her own. With a suddenness that shocked her, his lips were no longer there, as his hand fumbled at the pins in her hair and it came tumbling down in a flow of chestnut brown around her shoulders.
“Aaaaah, I have wanted to do that for an hour,” he murmured as his lips pressed against her cheek. His soft tongue teased the lobe of her ear, a probe into her ear made her shiver. “Are you cold?”
He gently pushed her onto the pile of pillows at her back as he pulled himself up so that once again he could attack her lips. The kisses befuddled her. His mouth was hot and urgent upon her as he dipped his head and planted butterfly kisses on her neck, nuzzling her throat causing waves of delicious tingles to wash over her his half days growth of beard rasping against her soft skin. Pulling the front of her heavy nightshirt away from her skin, with a soft chuckle, his tongue snaked out and he licked a long streak of flesh from her collarbone to her ear. His lips returned to hers greedily, as if he needed the sustenance to survive. Nearly crazed with need, she felt him move over the top of her leg, his strong thigh pressing urgently for her to surrender and open wide for him. With a groan, he slid his arm behind her and pulled her to him, crushing her against that manly chest.
Her breasts felt the hard planes of his chest, even through the clothing she wore. They ached with the need to feel his touch. As if reading her mind, he pulled back and began to fumble with her nightshirt. Raising both arms for him, he deftly slid the cumbersome clothing over her head. Her hair once again waterfalling around her soft shoulders and partially covered her nipples. Embarrassed, she reached up and twined her fingers at the back of his neck, pulling him to her with growing urgency. She nipped at his stubbled jaw in sharp quick bites.
"Hmmm….” he urged. Deftly moving his hips, he managed to position himself completely between her legs now, only the soft down of the comforter between them. Her hips rose up to meet him and like young lovers, they moved to and fro against each other.
Shivering with desire, she pressed both palms down onto his chest and he rose up on one arm to ease her access. Her spread wide as she touched thumb to thumb and expansed his flesh from nipple to nipple. Even her hands were not wide enough to spread the entire distance. She gave a small moan, and quickly dipping her index finger into her hot mouth, wet the tip, only to drop it back to his nipple and tease it.
“Oh, you want to play that way do you? he questioned in a voice husky with desire.
Definitely “R” rated!!!!! To NOT read on unless you fully understand this!
No! I want this to last forever… she screamed in her head. I want this feeling to never end. I want to be wanted by a man, by this man. I want him to hold me in his arms until I can’t breathe, to cuddle with me in the morning, to let me cook breakfast and lunch and dinner and popcorn in front of the fireplace. I want to be young again, to be desired, to be beautiful in my lover’s eyes. I want to walk into a room and know that he watches me and is proud of me. I want the wanting to never cease, to let him allow me to adore him, to talk to him and have him laugh at my silly jokes. I want to wash his clothes and smell him on my sheets. I just don’t want another day to go past being alone.
With that thought, a small tear escaped and slid down her cheek.
“Hey…Noelle, I’m sorry. Oh dammit, I never meant this to happen. I have no idea what came over me, I nearly attacked you!” With a quick shove, he rose up off her, leaping to his feet. The leaving of him took with it his heat and her nipples shriveled in the sudden onslaught of coldness.
Shaking her head to clear it, she realized the fire had nearly died and she reached down and grabbed the comforter and dragged it up to her neck. With a distraught look he ran his hand through his dark hair and pivoted towards the fire.
“Great timing, huh?” he asked with a taut edge of regret to his voice. Leaning down he picked up several logs and once again stoked the fire to heat the room. The winds still howled outside, the windows had frosted over and the cold had insidiously seeped in chilling the entire cottage until you could see your breath misting in the air.
“Brrrrrr, it’s cold. I bet the windchill is below zero by now.” Realizing how inane that was after what had just occurred, she watched his back and the muscles under the skin ripple with each movement of his arms. “Duncan……I, I..don’t know what happened I must be drunk.” She unsteadily grabbed the frigid mug of toddy and gulped it down. “If I wasn’t then, I will be now!”
“There are no excuses Noelle, I’m ashamed. I just felt this overwhelming urge to be with you. As if this was where I was supposed to be. It was just “right.” You know? Like it was ok to just let go for once. To not always have to be right, or wrong…or alone. I guess I felt safe with you.” Finished with the fire, he padded over to the kitchenette and grabbed the bottle of Glenlivet, spun the cap off and chugged several deep swallows. Yes, she knew.
“Think you can share a bit more of that?” She stabbed her wobbly arm high into the air and felt him come across the room, behind the sofa bed. He grabbed her wrist and pouring several inches into the deep cup.
“At your service madam. I’ll warm water for more tea if you want.”
She could tell he was smiling and she sipped heartily from the mug. “No thanks, I think I’ll just take it straight.” How odd, she thought, how comfortable we feel together, like old friends. Like we’ve been together in past lives or something.
“What I want is more important than hot tea, Duncan.” As she said the words, she knew what she wanted. She knew that tomorrow might not come, that this night, this time was all she had and she wanted to live each moment of it.
“I’ll take a side order of toast served by a bare-chested man, please.” Giggling, she dropped her head and snuggled deeper into the comforter, afraid he’d throw the bottle of scotch whiskey straight at it.
“The only toast you’ll get is from the fire my dear, but I can do something about that serving request,” he jested and with a quick leap over the back of the sofa bed, he plopped down next to her. A big grin was on his face.
She grinned in return, “I see your approach has improved.” With that, they both broke into gales of laughter, recalling his ungainly trip and fall a few hours earlier. He grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, rolling her on top of him. Her hair cascading down and covering them both. Using both hands he gathered the slippery tendrils and pulled them off to the side, and jerking his head up he snagged her lips in a quick kiss. A tentative question between them.
“Yes Duncan, please.”
He growled and pulled her head down to his, his hands fingering up and down her spine and across her naked back. Her shivers were not from cold, not this time. The flames from the roaring fire lit the room with a soft glow, and she felt alive..and wanted. She found his lips so easily amidst the growth of bristles, and with a gentle thrust of her tongue, she licked along his lower lip.
He uttered a groan and the urgent thrust of his hips almost knocked her off his hard body. Nipping at his lip, she felt his calloused hand slide around and cup her mound of breast. His thumb gyrated in circles as the nipple hardened at his touch. She could feel his hardened length beneath her stomach, the throbbing intensified. With a calculated move, he rolled her swiftly off him, and using his powerful arms, he raised himself over her prostrate body. Looking up at him, she felt the quiver of his arms, shaking just the tiniest bit and she felt emboldened that she could make him shiver with want. With a sensual smile to show her who was in charge, he began to slowly lower his hips until he rested upon her. The bulge straining against his blue jeans felt huge to her and just the thought of feeling him inside her added kindling to the fire already starting to burn deep in her belly. His dark hair, unruly and shining in the firelight curled loosely as it fell forward over his forehead. His eyes bore into hers…she could not draw her eyes away. It was if he was sucking the soul right out of her and into himself. His lower lip, so full and deliciously pouty gleamed where she had drawn her tongue across it. Slowly he lowered himself, those powerful arms allowing him to inch downward by degrees. Each one was sublimely anticipated by her. His hips began a gentle circular motion, grinding ever deeper between her thighs.
She spread her thighs wide to allow him fuller access and tilted her own hips to meet him greedily. His weight seemed like a feather as she felt the length of him covering her. He belonged right where he lay.
His hot breath fanned her as his full weight settle upon her. Her hands slid to his naked back, pulling him close as she caressed his skin, reveling in the smooth expanse of his back and shoulders. The breadth of them was exhilarating. Gently she caressed him as he lathered kisses along her jaw and neck. His lips heated, his breathing coming a bit faster as he sucked gently at her neck. Her gentle rubbing turned into a stimulating raking of her nails along his skin as his lips fastened harder on her neck. His soft groan urged her on and she raised long welts as she drew her nails up his spine to his shoulders. A deeper groan erupted from him and dragging his lips away from her neck, he glanced down to see a reddish mark. A quick satisfied smile lit his features.
Mystified, she felt him roll his weight off her a bit and then she felt his hand come up and encircle her breast. Her nipple immediately surged to hardness at his touch. Slowly he rubbed her nipple until it felt like she would explode with the sensation. His mouth quickly replaced his thumb, and her breast was engulfed in his greedy mouth, as he suckled the nub. Alternating between hot tongue, thumb and forefinger, and with his bristly whiskers rasping against her soft breast he lured her towards sensory overload.
“Ohhhhh, Duncan.” she pleaded.
Like a heat seeking missile his hand left her breast and slid between their hot bodies…easily maneuvering under the waistband of her pajama pants and finding its target right at the center of her being. Cupping her mound, he slid into the warmth nestled between her legs. Her hips rose with a mind of their own as he used that same thumb and finger to stimulate the very core of her, that part of her that cried out for attention and rose to meet his practiced manipulations.
She cried out in pleasure as his nimble fingers brought her to a quick explosion, a flush spreading over her that radiated from her nether regions to her nipples which were as hard as rocks. Unashamed, she enjoyed the moment, clenching his hand between her legs as if she never wanted to let it go.
Her eyes closed in a dream-like state, she ran her hands over his chest and slowly made their way down to pull at the waistband of his blue jeans. Blindly, she tried to unbutton them. He lifted his hips to help her and once again hovered over her on his magnificent arms. She was his hostage of desire!
Frantically she tugged at the still damp jeans and his underwear. Positioning himself on one arm he managed to help her slide the garments down his hips. The instrument of her need was within her hand in an instant. He sucked in his breath as she grabbed his member and firmly she stroked it. It throbbed heavy and hot in her hand and she reveled in the beauty of it.
"I... can't .... let... oh... you..oh.....," he tried to tell her. His face contorted with desire. With a small smile of sexual satisfaction, she stopped her slow teasing and reached around and pulled at his now bare buttocks, drawing him to her.
“I need…..I want….” she cried, unable to continue as she felt the hardness of him situate itself in the soft, hot yielding area of her womanhood. Before she could doubt his want, he began to move his hips forcing his steel like rod to rub the small nub of her clitoris, sending thrills of delicious tickles throughout her body. His own need forcing him to move quicker than he normally would, he needed to feel that hotness envelop him. Immediately understanding when he pulled back, she reached down to guide his engorged largeness into the core of her. He thrust into her, forcing the velvet folds apart. Her wetness excited him, and his entry was easy. He shoved hard...and deep. She was his, and he filled her. He would have all of her!
With a strangled moan, he lay still on top of her pliant body. Completely joined, she felt every inch of him inside her. Her fingers dug into his high, firm buttocks as he lay along her length, and she could feel him at every place their bodies met. Her breasts crushed between them, yet she could feel the sensation of his chest, the hairs lending a rough texture that made her nipples so tender. Small beads of sweat oiled the smoothness of their bodies, as if they were skaters gliding on ice. But this was not ice, it was pure heat between them.
His lips sought hers once more and his tongue darted into her hot mouth, just as his stiff rod plumbed her depths. They lay completely still, each of them savoring the touch of the other. With a start, she felt him twitch his penis and it send tiny waves radiating out from inside her. He twitched again and reaching back, she playfully slapped his butt cheek. The signal flag was lowered, and unable to hold still any longer, his hips began to rock in small circles. She ached for the sweet release as he touched in places she had never felt a man before. The instinctive rhythm of nature overtook them and they pushed and pulled against each other, frantically seeking that sweet ecstasy. His mouth covered hers as he groaned his helplessness to stop.
Rushing towards a climax that would surrender each of them to a different place, the cold faded away along with the storm raging outside. The storm raging between the two lovers was of cyclonic force! The sheen of sweat on their bodies gleamed in the firelight.
“Noelle…?” he questioned, his voice a mere rasp filled with need.
And to answer him, she swept her hands to his brow to cup his face, and gazed into his eyes. She whispered sweet kisses along his jaw, sucked at his lip, Her hands were everywhere; in his hair… on his back raking at him…his sweet butt cheeks, along his spine. moving roaming, clenching like a wild woman. If this was the last time, if he would disappear once this passion passed, then she wanted to savor each and every inch of his exquisite body.
Staring deep into her eyes, he pounded at her with long hard thrusts as she ground her hips and whimpered. Each stroke drew her closer to her release. Small mews of desperate need escaped her lips, she panted,
“Duncan, now…please Duncan, now!”
With a cry like a Scottish warrior heading into battle he slammed into her one last time, pumping deep into her, releasing his long held seed. Lying still for several moments, she gloried in the feel of him within her. She felt the small throbs as his excitement waned. A whimpered, "Ohhhh." slipped from her parted lips as she realized that there was still a tortured need to find her own release. She began to move her hips in small circles, her hot depths clasping his still hard rod in a rhythmic pulse. She writhed and moved her hips around his member.. ever faster and he began to pump his hips in small movements to help her. HIs lips nuzzled her neck with small licks along her lower lip. His large hands tweaked and teased the hardened aereole of her breast. sending little quivers of pleasure helping her build towards her own release.
With a suddenness that surprised her, she felt the sensation build like a small fire in the pit of her stomach, Kindling was added with each exquisite touch of his fngers and ips. She grabbed at his dark hair, she scratched at his back urging him on and her hands wandered his body from cheeks to cheeks as she let the animalistic urges inhabit her body.
...until it was there and a long moan of pleasure gave voice to her own orgasm and she pushed her hips ever harder against him. He grabbed her lips with his and she melted against him, all energy drained from her as each wave of the pulsating energy overtook her. He tenderly cradled her as her breathing slowed, and laying his head upon her breast he knew, he had found a very special woman. They began as two, and as dawn began it's ascent in the early morning sky, and the crackling from the embers in the fireplace waned, they became one.
Ahhhh…...she did remember.
As her fingers traced an indefinite Celtic type pattern on the rise of his hips, she groggily recalled the alcohol fueled encounter of the previous night. Wow, those hot toddies are remarkable! She smiled.
“Well, don't stop there,” a deeply accented voice rumbled, shaking her out of her dreamy reverie.
“Oh, I think you can count on that,” she giggled as Duncan rolled over to gaze into her eyes. He looks even better in the daylight she mused.
“Merry Christmas my dear Noelle,” he murmured, “Let’s see if you have any more presents under the covers!”
The End

This is a complete pile of fiction, using characters only alive in the author's imagination.
This is intended as entertainment only and any resemblance to living persons is totally accidental. *VBEG*