These wallpapers are for your enjoyment.
If you "snatch" a pic, please be kind and give the creator their due.
Save them to your own computer!!
Please do not put up on any other Adrian Paul/Peter Wingfield collection without prior approval.
Click on the pic to get the full sized version!
Kata by Kat
Peace Couch by Kat
Peter W by Kat
This section of Wallpapers are sized 1280x800 to fit most computer screens.
To save pics as your own computer screensaver,
just Right-click, Set As Wallpaper and that's it!
Adrian B&W by Kat
Collage by Kat
Whales by Chimera
Lions by Chimera
These Wallpapers are a bit smaller, but great for a desktop!
Breathe by Lo
Principles by Lo
Brothers in Arms by Lo
Christopher Lamber by Lo
Stars Align by Rachelle Valentine
The Kiss by Lo
Adrian Wings by Chimera
Thank you to everyone who has submitted their designs for all the fans to share!
Are you an artist and have a picture
of Adrian you'd like to see on our pages? Or are you a poet?
E-mail me!
**Disclaimer: Every attempt was made to obtain permission for use of pictures
and graphics. This site is intended as entertainment only. No offense is intended.
If you find that I have "pinched" a picture, graphics or sound file that violates any
laws of Copyright please notify me immediately and they will be removed.**
All artists agree that by submitting their artwork that they are allowing it to be part of the Adrian's Angels web site in perpetuity.
All artwork, photography, drawings, paintings, etc. have been generously provided by the indivudual artists. The creator agrees that their work may be downloaded only for personal use. Each photograph is individually copyrighted by its creator.
No one has the right to copy these creations in any way in any medium without the owner's permission.
It is illegal for any unauthorized person or company to scan, copy, duplicate, manipulate, alter, etc. these works without the express permission of the creator.
All rights reserved 2001-2009
Site designed and maintained by Rileah Ringo